Within the catalog, which is captured in full colour, you will discover the works of many artists, with a real message to bear. I felt that the exhibitions mixed sense of works each artist working in their own favoured materials refreshing. Not all of us can catch every exhibition, so that is where catalogs such as this one really come into their own.
It showcases how even uncertain times, can premote ground breaking art and how so many are affected by the wake of political turbulence. Yet as artists, these individuals have let the social political change and trauma uplift their practice - maybe it became somewhat therapeutic for them as humans. They were unable to change the world, however they were able to control their own minds into making. This could be their protest, their vocalisation of feelings, their processing of change.
It would be impossible for me to list every material and method you will observed as actioned by these artists, however lets just say it is a long list. Many pieces have been built with tactile fibres as well as those which can become sculptural. Copper, glass, ink, thread, clay, gold….the list goes on…
If you are looking for a blast of art with an edge, then this visual depiction will enlighten your soul.