
Worn: A peoples history of clothing by Sofi Thanhauser

Allen Lane Publishing 2022

In our busy contemporary society, do we stop to consider the narrative woven through the very fibres we have mindlessly flung on to protect us from the elements, the items which silently walk with us each and every day as loyal companions? Within this publication, Thanhauser takes us on travels throughout the world, to investigate the key fabric bricks of our world today, namely Linen, Cotton, Silk, Synthetics and Wool. We will learn about the history of these textiles and how they have become a part of our living. Where have they come from? Where are they made? Are they to be treasured, or classed as optional refuse? In binary opposition to its title, this is no fashion house go-to, this is a book about the core beginnings, the foundations of the fabric itself and how each one has come into exhistance.

On finishing this publication, you may find yourself making best laid plans and aspirations to become more mindful about what you keep, what you use and how you use it. Will it last? The future will tell; or maybe the stains which will inevitably come a part of you own narrative line.

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